Why would a doctor write about coffee, and, about a corporation, to boot? No, I am not addicted to coffee. When I stop drinking my one cup a day, I don’t get a headache. Chances are you are a coffee drinker yourself, if you are bothering to read this braindropping. So relax, get a cup
The battle for, or against a vaccine for the Human Papilloma Virus has begun. It is getting so intense, that it made it to the front page of the New York Times, Saturday, February 17th, 2007. Those who advocate for it focus on the suffering of 9,710 women getting cervical cancer, and
The article “A surprising secret to a long life: stay in school,” New York Times, January 3rd, 2007,) was prominently placed on the front page. Perhaps it struck me with more force than it did most people, because I am the only one in my known genealogy who went to college. No doubt,
The New York Times reported on December 30th, 2006, that one screw used for spinal fusion costs $1,000. By the time they put in the plates and other hardware, the average cost of this type of surgery gets close to $10,000. The “getting screwed” part gets worse when you fin