At first blush the cardiologist will make a lot of people angry. His suggestion that Big Macs should be served with a statin drug (to lower cholesterol) on the side may be interpreted as a shameless admission that the pharmaceutical approach trumps good sense and nutrition.1 But, most
We all know that sex relieves stress; we also know that stress hormones cause damage when they remain elevated for prolonged periods of time. What we didn’t know was that sex helps brain cells grow. According to a recent study done at Princeton University and published in the Journal
Recently I attended a “Cardiology conference” designed to recruit more business for a local HMO. Sure, there were enough clinical tips to make the experience resemble an educational opportunity for doctors around the area. Predictably, the emphasis was on surgical intervention for ser
As I grow older I become less serious; is this happening to you, too? My favorite people have been cartoonists and comedians ever since I can remember. Yet, from time to time I revert to being too serious. This is OK; my professional obligations require a straight face once in a while
I just got back from China; any typos are due to my jet lag. Most of it is my own fault since I didn’t sleep very much and I had too many toasts with really strong stuff out of a blue bottle. Since I don’t drink at all, some of it went to my head. I may have asked a young female ophth
Writing this edition of my health newsletter aboard an all-you–can-eat-and-drink cruise ship seems a bit dissonant, but I was asked to speak about cutting edge medical concepts to a group onboard; should I tell them that chocolate makes depression worse, not better?1 And that limiting
Last month’s issue of the Journal Pediatrics validated what many doctors have been saying for years about a higher risk of ADD with pesticides. The journal is in for a fight with Monsanto-like corporations who have hidden the data showing how toxic pesticides are while attacking anyon
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