THE FUTURE OF MEDICINE—HOW NEW TECHNOLOGY AND ANCIENT REMEDIES ARE TRANSFORMING HEALTH CARE (National Geographic January 2019) We spend more than any other country, yet, we lag behind in longevity. This issue also has an article on Chinese Medicine. Embracing Mother Nature’s remedies
Learning to relax and take life’s reverses in stride is certainly one of the keys to health. The article below highlights another key factor, CIRCULATION. It’s only common sense—we need Energy and Information from the food we eat to reach all cells of our body. If your circulation i
Most of us have had some form of childhood trauma, either imaginary or real. The consequences can be profound. Specifically, our Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal axis may take a beating, leading to health problems throughout our body. But the main damage is between the ears, influenci
Integrative Health is about putting Humpty Dumpty back together again. It does by addressing nutrition, relationships, and environmental issues affecting body, mind and spirit. This is why I highly recommend It is a heart-warming true story laced with humor and suffering, as life tend
When I was in Medical school in the early 80s only one in 2,500 children had Autism. It’s a lot more than that now. Why? Have our genes mutated? Are we better at diagnosing the problem? The answer is the same as every other disease: poor diets, toxic environments, and unrelenting emot
The State of Health Care Don’t be shocked—it is not healthy because it has become a big, toxic business. Its leaders, that is some doctors, insurance companies, and pharmaceuticals are presently more concerned about doing well than doing good, a historical tendency we are all guilty o
Licking Sweet Death That was the title of my first book. It got me a lot of grief for exposing processed sugar and the politics/money behind its marketing. The main points I made were: Sugar is addicting. There is such a thing as Pre-Diabetes. Artificial sweeteners are worse than suga
If you have been around for a while you have noticed the following pattern: a supplement/vitamin, amino acid/antioxidant gets great medical research showing they are effective. After a lot of money is made by the manufacturers, negative studies begin to pop up. “It does no good—it may