The evidence for the Brain-Gut connection continues to mount. See article below. But it has always been clear that what we eat affects the microbiome AND every organ of the body. Why should the brain be different? Practical advice: if you are afraid of getting Alzheimer’s as you age,
THEATERS REOPENING I am sure they will take precautions with seating, masks and other social distancing measures. But I am not going, as much as I like movies. It doesn’t make sense to risk my life (I am in the high-risk category) for something I can do safely at home. I miss going to
Improving our immune systems through diet has not been mentioned much by the media. Your life may depend on the food you eat in more ways than one. The bottom line is simple: food largely determines how your immune system works. So, stop refined sugars and load up on vegetables. It’s
How sick you get may be tied to how much virus you’re exposed to Andy Larsen, Salt Lake Tribune August 16th 2020 “Does the initial amount of the coronavirus you are exposed to matter? Let’s put that question another way: Say two similar people are exposed to different quantities of co
I am often asked about the COVID-19 vaccine. My patients know I find a lot to be desired with vaccinations, and that I have never had the Common Flu vaccine. They are surprised when I answer that I will get the COVID-19 vaccine. There is a big difference between these viruses. COVID-1
Doctor who survived COVID-19 bewildered by public disregard By JAY REEVES. The Associated Press. Salt Lake Tribune July 19th 2020 “Birmingham, Ala. • Dr. Michael Saag spends much of his time treating patients fighting for their lives and working with colleagues who are overwhelmed and
INTEGRATIVE HEALTH EDUCATION Volume 21 Number 8 August 2020 This month’s editorial highlights the book below. Read it and weep. Hugo Rodier, MD Gut dysbiosis contributes to amyloid pathology, associated with C/EBPβ/AEP signaling activation in Alzheimer’s disease mouse model J.
Some feel the pandemics is a hoax. They argue that nothing is being said about the regular flu and other diseases taking lives every year. That is so, but those deaths are already accounted for in a for-profit health care system that does not have too much room for unexpected diseases