Our reductive health care system, a reflection of our society’s penchant for focusing on the trees, not the forest, has fostered the impression that women’s menses are entirely separate from the rest of their body. Women know this is not true, but few of them apply this knowledge in t
We have known for decades antidepressants are not as effective as Big Pharma would like you to believe. Negative studies on their effectiveness have been suppressed. However, this doesn’t mean you should stop taking them outright. After you read the article below, I recommend you find
Most of us have to deal with pain, especially as we put on a lot of mileage. An important part of the physiology of pain is how the painful signals from the body are interpreted in the brain. There is plenty of evidence to show that our attitudes determine the severity of the pain. A
You know junk food is bad for you, yet, you cannot stop eating it. The drive to eat poorly is as strong as any addiction, including opioids, alcohol and tobacco. To overcome the problem, you need to know the biologic AND physiologic mechanisms involved. Our food cravings are due to wh
I hope not in the sense that you heartily abuse refined sugars. They cause TOIL in our cells: Toxicity, Inflammation, Oxidation and Less than optimal Mitochondrial function. TOIL is more pronounced in the cells of vital organs like the brain, heart and kidneys. The processed food indu
We have all experienced the PAIN of loneliness. Yes, Pain. fMRI studies have shown that the pain of loneliness is as real as physical pain. I would say it can have even more serious consequences. I cannot add much more to the excellent article below, except quote the famous philosophe
Practically all diseases start from poor nutrition, social/financial stress and toxic environments. These factors make genetic tendencies more likely to manifest themselves (Epigenetics). Toxic air has been shown to compromise our immune system, leading to diseases like Arthritis. Not
This issue seeks to clear some common misconceptions about nutrition. Despite good research debunking them, they won’t be going away anytime soon. Hugo Rodier, MD Lower dietary calcium, potassium intake are risk factors for kidney stone recurrence “HealthDay (8/12) reported “lower die