Transhumanism is The Borg of Star Trek getting closer to Earth.
Soon, artificial implants will enhance and prolong life. The possibilities for good are endless. So are the possibilities for bad outcomes. You will be soon called upon to take a stance on Transhumanism. If you believe there is no life after death, then, you are likely to see only the good. If you understand that wise living is preparing for death then you are likely to see the bad in Transhumanism. Surely there is a balance somewhere.
Read this month’s issue of the National Geographic as a primer on Transhumanism. There are some troublesome ideas in that article. Proponents maintain that we will soon have chips implanted in our brains; they will make the internet an integral part of our brain. A mere thought will search for an answer to the most difficult problems. We will able to speak any foreign language, and converse fluently on the most recondite subjects. Is that good or bad? Will the chronically disenfranchised be left out of the party? Think well on it. You may also ponder the assertion that we will be able to live forever, and enhance human intelligence to solve humanities problems. But, is it a lack of intelligence that is keeping us from solving social, political, economic, environmental, and political problems? Or, is it a lack of WISDOM? Does history give us an answer to that question? I say it does.
Transhumanism is like a loaded gun in the hands of an immature child. The gun is not the problem.