This was a front organization of the CIA established after WWII for the purpose of brainwashing the American public. It promoted, paid and advanced artists, writers, journalists, etc. who “educated” the public on the virtues of businesses and corporations, and on the evils of ANY social program attempting to help the People. A prime example was the pundit William F. Buckley Jr. Anyone remotely associated or sympathetic towards the working stiff was labeled a communist, and quickly disenfranchised.
We see the same tactics applied today, but more overtly than back then when the CIA secretly promoted the agenda and interests of Corporations abroad, even resorting to assassinations. For forbidden work within the USA they paid the Congress for Cultural Freedom for propaganda. They also paid more sinister agents when force was required to “convince” and “neutralize” the more socially-inclined.
Last week I reported on the widespread belief that artificial sweeteners are OK. That is just one example of the brainwashing of Americans. There are many others, some of which have been eventually exposed for the lies they were: lead, tobacco, and most recently refined sugars, all promoted as healthy at one point. But, other products will need more time for Americans to turn against. GMOs, fluoride in water, and many harmful and useless pharmaceuticals lead the long list of products promoted for the sake of profits without regards for the health of the people.
But, don’t take my word for it. If you don’t make an effort to study these issues from sources that are not bought and paid for the corporations that market these products you are condemned to be manipulated by the man behind the curtain.
Here is a quote from an American who paid dearly for sticking his neck out. I am not going to tell you who it is, or what political party he/she belonged to; it would bias you, would it not?
Start by looking into who owns the main Media Outlets, OK? Then, you will begin to see that “alternative” points of view are ridiculed and relegated to “conspiracy theories” to protect the interests of the guilty. Here are some good books to get you started.