Don’t get “Old-Timers’” Disease

By now you have lived long enough to worry about your brain backfiring and to see that new fandangle drugs for this problem don’t work. The best is prevention. See the article below. The only problems with it is that it does not mention the brain-gut connection and it makes it sound like you need a special diet for the brain. On the latter point, there is only one diet good for everything that ails you: a plant-based diet free of processed foods.

MIND Diet Preserves Cognition Even in the Presence of Alzheimer’s Pathology

Medscape Medical News. Megan Brooks, September 28, 2021

Adherence to the MIND diet can improve memory and thinking skills of older adults, even in the presence of Alzheimer’s disease pathology, new data from the Rush Memory and Aging Project (MAP) show.

“The MIND diet was associated with better cognitive functions independently of brain pathologies related to Alzheimer’s disease, suggesting that diet may contribute to cognitive resilience, which ultimately indicates that it is never too late for dementia prevention.” The study was published online September 14 in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Impact on Brain Pathology

“While previous investigations determined that the MIND diet is associated with a slower cognitive decline, the current study furthered the diet and brain health evidence by assessing the impact of brain pathology in the diet-cognition relationship.” The MIND diet was pioneered by the late Martha Clare Morris, ScD, a Rush nutritional epidemiologist. A hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets, the MIND diet includes green leafy vegetables, fish, nuts, berries, beans, and whole grains and limits consumption of fried and fast foods, sweets, and pastries.