First read the article:
“Restoring Study 329: Efficacy and Harms of Paroxetine and Imipramine in Treatment of Major Depression in Adolescence,” British Medical J.2015;351:h4320
“Neither paroxetine nor high dose imipramine showed efficacy for major depression in adolescents, and there was an increase in harms with both drugs. Access to primary data from trials has important implications for both clinical practice and research, including that published conclusions about efficacy and safety should not be read as authoritative. The reanalysis of Study 329 illustrates the necessity of making primary trial data and protocols available to increase the rigor of the evidence base.”
Let me translate: the study published in 2001 that led to the marketing of Paxil was ghostwritten by minions from Big Pharma. Predictably, its negative findings, that is, that Paxil does not work and is even harmful, were spun to make Paxil look effective and safe.
How does that make you feel?