Books and Presentations by Dr. Rodier

Switching Off Chronic Disease

My newest book, Switching Off Chronic Disease, was released in early 2015. It condenses three decades of research and clinical practice and aims to help more people understand how to work with diet and nutrition to heal disease and promote both longevity and quality of life.

It proposes a simple, unifying hypothesis on the underlying cause of chronic disease: Cellular TOIL, which stands for cellular Toxicity, Oxidation, Inflammation, and Lack of optimal mitochondrial energy production.

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Gut Health

guthealthbookThis book offers an integrative approach to healing your digestive tract through diet and nutrition. Based on cutting-edge research, we now know that the gut is the center of health and disease. When our gut environment is out of whack (inundated with toxins, bad bacteria, etc.), chronic disease sets in and travels throughout the body to the brain and other vital organs. My book lights the path to well-being by teaching you how to nourish the gut naturally.

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Hermetic Health Presentation


A Powerpoint presentation on an integrative approach to health, including Physics, Politics, Economics, Nutrition, Philosophy, etc.

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Licking Sweet Death

Licking Sweet Death is an indispensable book about the influences our diet and lifestyle have on our cellular communication, energy/information flow, and physical condition.

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