More chocolate for 2025!

Best wishes for 2025. Start the year celebrating the article below. Notice it has to be dark, not milk chocolate, so put away the M&Ms and Hershey bars. ‘Not all chocolate is created equal’: New data imply the dark variety lowers diabetes risk Healio Minute, December 5, 2024. Data
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The chemical paradigm has served us well. Incredible advances in pharmacology and industry have made our lives better. But there have been significant side effects like pollution, negative/unexpected reactions, and even cancer and deaths. At the same time, the advent of modern physics
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The Dark Side of Antibiotics

Very sad article on the overuse of antibiotics. As you know, some doctors tend to overprescribe them when they sense you will not take NO for an answer to your cough, sore throat, and or upper respiratory infection. But the saddest part of this article is that it doesn’t address the n
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Dairy Dilemma

Who doesn’t love cheese? And Ice cream? Read the article below and weep. It is one of many pointing out the dark side of dairy. Unfortunately, these types of articles don’t see the light of day often. If they do, they get ridiculed by a powerful dairy lobby. The dairy industry has pla
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Trump Genetics

No, this is not about politics, but I am glad you clicked on the blog. This is about EPIGENETICS, or “above genetics.” We may decrease the risk genetic so-called programming to manifest itself by managing stress, health diets, and exercise. References Patients can overcome genetic ris
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The Brain of ADD Kids

11.3% of children have ADD. Some consider ADD to be part of the Autism Spectrum Disorder. Most of them are treated with pharmaceuticals and nothing else. A plant-based diet and curtailing processed foods do help. Here is an article with other useful suggestions. Neurodivergent Kids Fl
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Gut Health

Fifteen percent of adults suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Most of them get a prescription to treat the gas, the pain and the inflammation. Most of them don’t get much better. The question should be asked, what is irritating your intestines? The answer is rooted in common sense:
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A Well-Oiled Mind

Our brains are 80% fat (we all know people shoes brains are 100%). They do better when we supply them with plant-based oils. Here is more evidence to refute the occasional article saying supplementing omega oils does not have any benefits. Study finds consuming spoonful of olive oil d
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