I enjoy articles that help us put Humpty-Dumpty back together again. The first two featured this month do just that. One is on cancer survivors being more likely to develop heart problems. If you have been reading this newsletter, then you know why—poor nutrition, stress, environmenta
As an Integrative Physician I catch flak from both sides. Last month I reviewed two issues that often raise the hackles of Naturopaths—Soy, and mainstream M.D.s.—pesticides. For the umpteenth time I will tell you Soy is OK for you, provided it is organic, and fermented. See blo
I grew up eating a lot of yogurt and fish. I wonder how my brain would have developed without those foods. They have been shown to improve intelligence,[1] fight depression,[2] and reduce the risk of cognitive problems.[3] My mom got fresh fish every morning from the fishermen’s boats
As we reflect on our lives and our relationships through the Holidays, it is helpful to consider what Mariah Carey tells us— it is “All In Your Mind.” Hopefully, the pejorative meaning behind that sentence has been eliminated with all the scientific research we now have backing up the
I was clinically depressed in medical school. After running myself into the ground to get there (18 credits per semester, pre-med courses in two years, twenty-hour/week part-time job, and twenty hours/week playing soccer), I was excited, and happy to start medical training. But, findi
The gut being central to health and disease is a concept that needs revisiting from time to time. Despite the tsunami of studies corroborating this simple point (good enough to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1908,) I still run into people who find it hard to believe that the answe
All of us having achieved a certain age know that having a purpose in life, a mission, is the best way to live. Younger people may also be aware of this, but, they may not have a living testimony of this truism. My own purpose has been to be “other directed,” to help my family, my fri
This month’s newsletter deals with several recent articles on preventing brain aging, a concept that will get more and more attention. The system still emphasizes treatment with ineffective, expensive drugs, but, the only rational approach to cognitive decline is to teach people at a