As we begin a new year we reflect upon our health and mortality. Some are thus led to plastic surgery and hormonal therapies that only delay the inevitable. This is understandable, but not healthy. Aging properly and maintaining health as long as possible while we travel through this
Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue are diagnoses that trigger emotional reactions from doctors and patients for many reasons, chief among them the lack of understanding of why people are thus afflicted. Unfortunately, this problem is seen to one degree or another in practically ALL dis
It is interesting how crossing The Pond has a way of distorting facts, especially where money is involved. One of the greatest examples of this phenomenon is Fructose. Here in the USA we are told there is nothing wrong with it. If a study is reported in the news about the toxic effect
Three decades ago I graduated from Medical School convinced I needed to retrain myself since not one single hour of Nutrition was offered to our class. Soon after I discovered through my reading of many medical journals that the Microbiome, or bacteria in the gut is paramount in the d
The Journal of the American Medical Association recently reprinted an article published in 1965. Its message is even more dramatically needed today: “The proper concern of medicine is people, not things; human life and values, not anatomy and physiology. Practitioners must be guided b
Finally! After decades of arguing about the role of nutrition in mental issues we get a bit of validation. The last meeting of the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association had a presentation on “Nutritional Psychiatry!” This is such great news that I have included two qu
“Can we stop aging?” The journal Scientific America asks the question this month.[1] Many thinkers like Kurzweil[2] will answer that drugs and Transhumanistic interventions to replace organs with artificial parts is likely to stop aging altogether. Others like Steve Hawkins the physic
We have known for a while that most back surgeries don’t yield results significantly better than Physical Therapy in most cases. This is also true of shoulders and knees when trauma is not involved. But, surely patients need back surgery if the canal where the spinal cord travels is n