Volume 12 • Number 1 • January 2011

Any new technology is quickly embraced almost unquestioningly by starry-eyed people; it is only with widespread use that we start seeing the downsides. I am sure you have noticed, as many experts have, some negative effects ofInternet use. The most affected so far seem to be teenagers; the more they surf, the more depressed they tend to be.[1] And it doesn’t end there; many educators feel that our children are “dumbing down,” bogged in too much superficial information: too much “surfing,” and not enough “diving.”[2]

Don’t take me wrong; the internet (or any technology for that matter) enriches our lives in countless ways. This point cannot be argued; in fact, “resistance is futile.”[3] We only hope to “curve our enthusiasm” to avoid potential pitfalls. Yet, I must be open to the possibility that these are just rantings from a middle-aged man who was not raised on computers. After all, I will never give up on printed books, their feel and their smell in my private library. And I will continue to read the newspaper until they go out of business.

Hugo Rodier, MD


More on Vitamin D

Our phone at the clinic is busy taking calls from patients who fear they may be incurring harm by supplementing more than 800 IU of vitamin D per day, despite our assurances that higher doses are needed as we monitor their serum levels. (See blog.) Fortunately, most patients come to understand that the RDA of vitamin D is too low. To reinforce this concept, I am adding just a sample of the many articles I find about this subject when I peruse my medical journals. If this is not enough, read previous issues of the newsletter and/or study the matter yourself. Don’t leave it to so-called experts who know nothing about nutrition:

High Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients With Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome,”[4]

Low Vitamin D Linked to Osteoarthrtitis,”[5]

Vitamin D3 Suppresses Immune Reactions in Atherosclerosis, Affecting Regulatory T Cells and Dendritic Cell Function,”[6]

Association of the Vitamin D Metabolism Gene CYP24A1 With Coronary Artery Calcification,”[7]

Oral Administration of an Active Form of Vitamin D3 (Calcitriol) Decreases Atherosclerosis in Mice by Inducing Regulatory T Cells and Immature Dendritic Cells With Tolerogenic Functions,”[8]

Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and parathyroid hormone are independent determinants of whole-body insulin sensitivity in women and may contribute to lower insulin sensitivity in African Americans,”[9]

Lack of Vitamin D Linked to Heart Failure Death[10]

Effect of a Single Oral Dose of 600,000 IU of Cholecalciferol on Serum Calciotropic Hormones in Young Subjects with Vitamin D Deficiency: A Prospective Intervention Study:”[11] It is safe.

Vitamin D High Dose Reduces Risk of Parkinsonism.”[12]


Don’t Blow a Gasket

We all fear strokes when we reach a certain age. As we have already discussed, your diet is the main way to prevent them; it will also help reduce your blood pressure, optimize cholesterol and preserve the integrity of your blood vessels so that they don’t clog up or burst a leak. What is not generally known is that over the counter drugs like decongestants, i.e. cold preparations and even allergy drugs when they have the “D” added to their name, also increase the risk of strokes by triggering spasms of the arteries. Even drugs like Ibuprofen and Tylenol may increase blood pressure[13] and concomitantly, your risk of stroke.

Two new articles sicken the plot. Even those patients who have pre Diabetes have a three-fold higher risk of stroke,[14] which is also noted in people just by drinking just one cup of coffee. The latter are at risk only for the subsequent hour,[15] but, I imagine that serial drinkers keep their risk at higher levels throughout the day. Sorry to mess with your coffee habit, but the remarkable benefits of one cup a day of coffee (see previous newsletters) must be weighed against the known drawbacks, including stomach irritation, faster heart rate and addiction.

No veggies? Prepare for diabetes and arthritis in your future

With diabetes predicted to afflict 1/3 of adults by the year 2050, we need to look at prevention as the pillar of a public health approach;[16] if we don’t do this, we will not be able to afford health care as a nation, a problem that is already the subject of much controversy. Focusing on environmental toxins, nutrition and how we digest in the gut and stresses has been amply shown to work. Still, eating too much junk, particularly trans-fats and refined sugars seems to be the main issue. But, on the positive side of the ledger, we need to emphasize fruits and veggies and non-animal proteins.

The article “Serum and Dietary Potassium and Risk of Incident Type II Diabetes Mellitus[17] sheds more light on the metabolic problems that lead to diabetes. A lack of potassium, long associated with hypertension issues, now has been linked with diabetes. And, whence potassium? Wouldn’t you know it; fruits, veggies and legumes. You may google for a complete list of foods and don’t just eat bananas. Veggies have a lot of vitamin K as well, which has been shown to prevent bone thinning and arterial plaque formation, among several other benefits. It turns out that “Low Vitamin K Linked to Osteoarthritis.”[18] Lacking this essential vitamin may lead to a three-fold higher incidence.

Child abuse

Sadly, this problem affects practically all families. Child abuse leads to mental and emotional problems later in life.[19] This is why I often ask patients to tell me about their childhoods. Almost always, those taking many pharmaceuticals have a history of childhood trauma ranging from emotional to sexual abuse. They need to address those memories with a counselor or other health worker. Also, I recommend meditation (book “Full Catastrophe Living,) neurolinguistic programming (“Get the Life you Want,”) and revisiting those traumatic memories now that they are more skilled, experienced and mature to handle those memories. Initially, they were stored with the interpretive skills of a child; they need to be updated. The book “Homecoming” by Bradshaw is excellent for that.

What is not well known is that childhood trauma may also lead to significant physical problems. This is likely due to overwhelming adrenal taxation. It turns out that “Childhood Abuse Linked to Type II Diabetes in Women,” too.[20] For these reasons and more, I agree with stiff penalties for perpetrators. Sadly, they themselves have been abused as children.


Telegraphed articles

Metabolic Syndrome Plus Hormonal Replacement Increases Coronary Risk,”[21]

Heavy Midlife Smoking [22]Significantly Increases Risk for Dementia,”

Sensitization to foods in gastroesophageal reflux disease and its relation to eosinophils in the esophagus: is it of clinical importance?[23]

Type II Diabetes Linked to Risk for Colorectal Adenomas,”[24]

(Benign) Long-Term Effects of Dihydrotestosterone Treatment on Prostate Growth in Healthy, Middle-Aged Men Without Prostate Disease,”[25]

DHEA-S Levels and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Postmenopausal Women;” the lower the DHEA, the higher the mortality.[26]

[1]Effect of Pathological Use of the Internet on Adolescent Mental Health,” J .Archives Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 2010;164:901.

[2][2] Book “The Dumbest Generation” by Mark Bauerlein; Tarcher/Penguin Press, 2008

[3]Nanomedicine,” New E. J. Med 2010;363:2434. Very small drug delivery systems to target only the problems

[4] J. Archives Dermatology 2010;146:1105

[5] J. Family Practice News, November 1st 2010, p 36

[6] J. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2010;30:2317

[7] J. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2010;30:2648

[8] J. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2010;30:2495

[9] Am J Clin Nutr 2010;92: 1344

[10] J. Family Practice News October 1st 2010, page2

[11] J. Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010;95: 4771

[12] J. Neurology Reviews August 2010, page5

[13]Blood Pressure Destabilization on Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Agents: Acetaminophen Exposed?”
J. Circulation. 2010;122:1779, 17895

[14]Insulin Resistance and Risk of Ischemic Stroke Among Nondiabetic Individuals,” J. Archives Neurology 2010;67:1195

[15]Coffee Consumption Doubles One-Hour Stroke Risk,” J. Neurology November 12th 2010

[16]Promoting Prevention Through the Affordable Care Act,” NEJM, August 25th 2010

[17] J. Archives Internal Medicine 2010;170:1745

[18] J. Family Practice News, November 15th 2010, page 65

[19]Prospectively Ascertained Child Maltreatment and its Association with Adult DSM-IV Mental Disorders in young Adults,” J. Archives General Psychiatry 2010;67:712


[20] Am. J. Preventive Medicine & J. Family Practice News, November 15th, 2010, page 63

[21] J. Family Practice News, November 15th, 2010, page 42

[22] J. Archives Internal Medicine, Oct 25th 2010

[23] Journal Annals Allergy Asthma Immunology 2010;105:359

[24] Am. J. Preventive Medicine & J. Family Practice News, November 15th, 2010, page 63

[25] J. Ann Intern Med 2010;153:621

[26] J. Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010;95:4985

Hugo Rodier, MD
Hugo Rodier, MD is an integrative physician based in Draper, Utah who specializes in healing chronic disease at the cellular level by blending proper nutrition, lifestyle changes, & allopathic practices when necessary.