Exercise and the Immune System

I hope you are exercising 5-6 times a week for a good hour, but not over one ninety minutes a day, although once in a while that is fine. Although not an ideal program, sporadic exercise like that of “Weekend warriors” also has significant benefits—including better memory—especially i
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The Way to a Man’s Heart is the Gut

I recently heard of a patient of mine with no heart disease signs or symptoms die of a heart attack. His cholesterol was normal and his coronaries were shown to be clean—free of plaque—as he slowly deteriorated and died from uncontrollable heart beat irregularities. Interestingly, rig
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Money Matters in Health

Tuesday February 7th CNN has a debate between Senators Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz. The former will advocate for a Single Payer System, and the latter for insurance companies to continue to run the Health Care system. I hope you make the time to watch. When you watch the debate keep i
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Trump, the media and pharmaceutical ads—an integrative health view

Warning: no matter how you feel about our President you will likely not like this blog. Such is the fate of any article that seeks a middle ground in our polarized society. It is disturbing to have a President so contemptuous of the media. His pronouncements makes many of us fear an e
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Eating These Foods Makes Men More Attractive to Women

Women prefer the scent of men who eat diets rich in certain foods—including garlic! J. Scientific American Jan 2017. Many of my female patients have unambiguously told me they would be more attracted—and willing to “you-know-what”—if their Significant Others ate a better diet. Do we n
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Repealing ACA

Yes, please, do ASAP. Now that I got your attention stick around long enough to read this: my reasons for disliking it will upset extremists on both sides of the political aisle. ACA has indeed provided relief for many. Some it its features should be retained, such as allowing pre-exi
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Cholesterol Has Egg on Its Face

I have already written about the problems and misinformation the cholesterol hypothesis is built on. Look through my past blogs for more information. Here is an article on a related topic. Eggs, redolent with cholesterol ARE NOT associated with a higher risk of strokes or heart attack
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