Women prefer the scent of men who eat diets rich in certain foods—including garlic! J. Scientific American Jan 2017.
Many of my female patients have unambiguously told me they would be more attracted—and willing to “you-know-what”—if their Significant Others ate a better diet. Do we need a better reason to stop processed foods?! Well, yes, but, sex has always been and will always be a powerful motivator of human behavior.
“Garlic enhances levels of antioxidants in the body and kills harmful bacteria, it could change the way our sweat smells, signaling healthiness to potential mates, the researchers hypothesize. “Women may also use cues in body odor to find a partner who can secure quality food,” carotenoid-induced yellowish skin is more visually attractive to potential partners—at least among Caucasians. In this study, the women reported the scent of men who indulged in carotenoid-rich foods to be fruity, sweet and particularly pleasant. These findings, too, could be explained by our evolved skills for finding healthy partners because low plasma carotenoid levels are associated with infection and greater mortality.”
Now, guys, if you really want to keep those home fires burning bright you should also do more housework!
Skip the dishes? Not so fast! Sex and housework revisited.
Johnson, Matthew D.; Galambos, Nancy L.; Anderson, Jared R.
Journal of Family Psychology, Vol 30(2), Mar 2016, 203-213.