Recently, President Obama signed HR 933 which contained a
line item he was powerless to veto. Said “line” was written by Monsanto itself.
It basically states that Monsanto cannot be sued in the future IF we discover
that GMO products were harmful after all.
Many countries, for example, the European Union, have
already determined that GMO products are not safe.
their own, much like most pharmaceutical research is written by “ghosts” from
its own ranks, only to be endorsed as their own research by well compensated
“independent researchers.”
What happened to the government elected by the people, for
the people and of the people? If it is not dead, it is comatose. What we have
now is government of corporations, for corporations and of corporations. This,
my friends, is the definition of Fascism. Since this ugly word connotes the
likes of Hitler and Mussolini, you may think I am being too harsh. Perhaps; I
only wish to point out that our health is not the supreme law of the land.
Profit is.