Pesticides Update

Despite Monsanto’s campaign to discredit anyone who questions their agenda, the public continues to vote with their wallet. For example, GMOs—we no longer hear about the legality or desirability of labelling our food because the food industry itself has seen how much profitable it is to advertise their products as Non GMO. This is particularly true on Europe, where most people insist on eating only organic products.

Monsanto is on its heels; no, it is dead, sort of—it sold out to Bayer, hoping to hide behind a company that has a checkered history with drugs and chemicals, too. But, arguably, the biggest blow to the whole pesticide industry is the work of Jeffrey Smith, the author of Genetic Roulette. You must check out his website, When he first began to cover the toxicity of pesticides and GMOs, I was disappointed that he never talked about their effect on the Microbiome. That has changed—he now admits that our gut flora is getting beat up by pesticides, compounds that were derived from nerve gas. Yes, they also have a huge negative impact on our neuro-endocrine system. Check out, the July 12th 2018 interview.

Many of my patients get better by only eliminating pesticides from their diets. A few still refuse to believe this, arguing that there are no foods that are 100% organic. True, environmental contamination is responsible for polluting organic fields, BUT, at least the latter have much less pesticides. Some also bemoan the higher cost of organic foods. BUT, do the math! You are investing in your health. If you don’t, you will pay a lot more later when you have to pay more for drugs and other medical interventions.

Do yourself a favor, start eating organic.


Serious Health Risks’ Associated With Pesticides – Medscape – Jan 22, 2018.

Evaluation of five organophosphate insecticides and herbicides. March 20, 2015.

We are pissed off! MEPs test positive for glyphosate.

The Detox Project. UCSF Presentation Reveals Glyphosate Contamination in People Across America.

Glyphosate’s suppression of cytochrome p450 enzymes and amino acid biosynthesis by the gut microbiome: Pathways to modern diseases. Entropy. 2013;15:1416-1463.

Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases III: Manganese, neurological diseases, and associated pathologies. Surg Neurol Int. 2015;6:45.

Hugo Rodier, MD
Hugo Rodier, MD is an integrative physician based in Draper, Utah who specializes in healing chronic disease at the cellular level by blending proper nutrition, lifestyle changes, & allopathic practices when necessary.