On the Supreme Court Ruling on the Affordable Care Act (AFA): An Integrative View

Usually “Integrative” means a middle of the road approach. In this case it means both Republicans and Democrats will be equally offended by reading this blog. Since the main goal of any Health Care system should be to serve the public, let us start by contemplating the fact that the t
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PSA Test Gets the Finger

The US Preventive Services Task Force is at it again. It has not been that long ago that they shook things up by toning down recommendations for mammograms in women 40-50 years of age (See blog.) Now, after years of vigorous campaigns to have men check their Prostate Specific Antigen,
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Sugar, Commercials, and ADD

A while back I had a discussion with a professor who felt there is nothing wrong with sugar, particularly High Fructose Corn Syrup. I felt she had been watching those commercials on TV paid by the Sugar Association of America, rather than reading the latest medical and nutritional jou
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A Gut Feeling

~Hugo Rodier, MDSince graduating from Medical School in 1984 and more so after becoming a member of the MA’s Environmental/Public Health committee over 10 years ago I have studied Energy issues documented in Medical and Physics journals. It has become clear to me and many of my collea
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Ask Young Women

For the past few weeks we have been hearing a lot of posturing about reproductive rights. I would like to focus on only part of it, the birth control pill (BCP) issue. With any issue, each generation needs to find its own answers and fight for what they believe in, not what their fogg
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Sugar, an addictive toxin: can you hear me now?

The cover issue of the journal Science, March 23rd 2001 irrevocably changed my view of health and disease. It illustrates the cell membrane and the macronutrients that compose it: natural fats, proteins and sugars. Inside, one of the best scientific journals in the world published sev
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Answers to Questions About Milk

After a review of 56 articles was published in the Journal Pediatrics (the voice of the American Academy of Pediatrics-See below) in March 2005, documenting that milk does not strengthen bones, stunned reporters in Salt Lake City took to the streets to interview people. Just about all
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Will the Mayans Get Us?

The year 2012 is finally here. My guess is that a certain percentage of people reading Integrative (alternative) blogs like this one may also be exposed to disparate ideas and predictions about this much-anticipated point in time. Starting with the understanding that no one can respon
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