If we live long enough, we begin to see cyclical changes in society. Yes, hang on to those outdated, old ties and skirts: they will be coming back. Medical/health issues are no different, especially when it comes to diet. Are eggs good or bad for you? What about Intermittent fasting?
This newsletter covers the microbiome in depth once a year. The excellent article highlighted herein is comprehensive, and a great resource for those who wish a primer on this pivotal subject. Hugo Rodier, MD Gut microbiome influences food allergy risks Healio Minute, February 28, 202
Artificial sugars were hailed as a major breakthrough in the battle of the bulge. Unfortunately, the data pointing out the side effects has been poorly disseminated. Can you guess why? Ardent defenders of sweeteners cannot continue to defend these products. In short, the problem is th
Prostate and breast problems (including cancer,) menstrual irregularities and assorted hormonal problems are common in our society. Generally, our own natural hormones and genetics are blamed. I don’t agree: I believe the main cause is our polluted environment. About 800 chemicals hav
I hope you start 2024 with a new mindset—that of enriching your microbiome to protect not only your brain, but your whole body. Below you will find several articles to motivate you to maximize the connection between your gut and brain by eating more vegetables and eschewing processed
Many women need hormonal replacement to cope with The Change. Most of them would have a much easier time if they ate their veggies and got off processed foods, especially when we consider the potential side effects of those drugs. If you go that route, find a reputable practitioner th
OBESOGENS are chemicals that disrupt our hormones. They are also known as Endocrine Disruptors. As the names imply, they contribute to metabolic problems, including obesity and diabetes. They do it by altering our microbiome and by causing cell membrane toxicity, which leads to insuli
My first book was titled “Leaking Sweet Death.” Pretty dramatic, but that is exactly what many authors began calling the insidious, corrosive effects of sugar clear back in the 90’s. The field of Glycobiology has amply vindicated the term. Each week, we get more evidence to encourage