Most of us have to deal with pain, especially as we put on a lot of mileage. An important part of the physiology of pain is how the painful signals from the body are interpreted in the brain. There is plenty of evidence to show that our attitudes determine the severity of the pain. A
This issue seeks to clear some common misconceptions about nutrition. Despite good research debunking them, they won’t be going away anytime soon. Hugo Rodier, MD Lower dietary calcium, potassium intake are risk factors for kidney stone recurrence “HealthDay (8/12) reported “lower die
Are you afraid of cancer? If you are, are you taking steps to reduce your risk by changing your lifestyle, especially your diet? Read the August 1st 2022 blog and the article directly below. Hugo Rodier, MD Charcuterie’s link to colon cancer Blow for industry as government backs WHO
Nutrition/Medical studies are proving the old dictum that “food is the best medicine.” However, researchers are seldom able to transcend their reductionist/pharmaceutical training. Consequently, they view micronutrients in isolation. For example, nuts have been amply demonstrated to l
As I grow older, my love of animals grows exponentially. They give us so much, from companionship to a humble example of how to live simply, peacefully and selflessly. Below you will find several articles illustrating their impact on our heath. We owe them much. Let us be kind to them
Studies linking “disparate” health problems appear in medical journals rather frequently. They also appear to confound patients and some doctors. Rather than pursue an integrative view of such results, the latter dismiss them as “controversial.” This is understandable, if we consider
The patients I see in my office are very self-selected. They tend to eat a lot better diet than the general population. I hope you are taking care of yourself “so when thy summons come to join that innumerable caravan that moves to the mysterious realms where each shall take his/her c
Are you thankful when your doctor tells you your cough, sore throat, ear and sinus pain don’t need an antibiotic? You should be. Their side effects go way beyond antibiotic-resistant bacteria—they mess with our microbiome/immune system. The consequences may be far reaching including c