The health of our society will improve as its education improves; simple as that. My interest in education has motivated me to read widely. To share my findings with you I will soon publish a pictoria
If you have read my last blog, “Congress of Freedom,” the statement from the Endocrine society advising doctors not to prescribe compounded hormones may be seen in its true light: a selling out
SPECIAL ISSUE At least once a year I am compelled to dedicate this newsletter to the articles flooding our medical journals reiterating the importance of the gut in health and disease. I WROTE
If you are not eating your veggies and fruits perhaps this will induce you to do so: they help with erectile dysfunction![1] Sources of circulation-promoting micronutrients are anthocyanins, fl
Doctor Nestle wrote the book FOOD POLITICS[1] a while back. She recently published an article that, sadly, but, understandably got very little exposure. Its contents are much better than any ed
As we begin a new year we reflect upon our health and mortality. Some are thus led to plastic surgery and hormonal therapies that only delay the inevitable. This is understandable, but not healthy. Ag