The Journal of the American Medical Association recently reprinted an article published in 1965. Its message is even more dramatically needed today: “The proper concern of medicine is people, not thin
Finally! After decades of arguing about the role of nutrition in mental issues we get a bit of validation. The last meeting of the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association had a presenta
“Can we stop aging?” The journal Scientific America asks the question this month.[1] Many thinkers like Kurzweil[2] will answer that drugs and Transhumanistic interventions to replace organs with arti
We have known for a while that most back surgeries don’t yield results significantly better than Physical Therapy in most cases. This is also true of shoulders and knees when trauma is not involved. B
There are many problems with our broken Health Care System.[1] Chief among them is the use of ACUTE care tools like pharmaceuticals to treat CHRONIC health problems (See Article “Too Much Medici
Science is not “an exact science.” Any good, honest scientist will admit that every new discovery is only an approximation towards more definite answers that may not even exist. The infall