EDITOR’S NOTE The controversy over the Paleo Diet is gathering more steam. Being an integrative doctor I look for the Middle Road. We have known for decades that some people don’t do well
EDITOR’S NOTE Best wishes for this New Year. I hope you resolve to work on the 90% of factors (diet, environment, relationships) that affect your health, most of which are not covered by the Af
EDITOR’S NOTE We have reporting on the brain-gut connection since the inception of this newsletter. Briefly, it means that the food we eat, the toxins generated in the gut and in the environment
EDITOR’S NOTE A well-intended sympathizer of Integrative Health recently reminded me of an insidious issue that causes misunderstandings among skeptics. Her zeal for her companies’ Iodine
EDITOR’S NOTE The cholesterol story leaves out significant facts in order to focus on the treatment of cholesterol with pharmaceuticals. While this is helpful in certain cases, it is not the onl
EDITOR’S NOTE I hope you have been following the GMO[1] issue (see my blogs.) Despite the Food Industry’s and Monsanto’s efforts to discredit anyone who opposes them as purveyors of