EDITOR’S NOTE “Personalized medicine is often described as genomics-based knowledge that “promises the ability to approach each patient as the biological individual he or she is̶
EDITOR’S NOTE Another great article just came out in the JAMA on what we must do as a society to fix our broken Health Care system, “Bridging the divide between health and health care.R
EDITOR’S NOTE Fatty Liver, the main problem highlighted in this issue, is an excellent example of the web-like function of our holistic body, an approach we document monthly in this newsletter.
EDITOR’S NOTE Interestingly, Isis, the Egyptian Goddess of Reason and Wisdom is symbolized by a dog. Many jokes come to mind at first blush, don’t they? But, with a bit of reflection, espe
EDITOR’S NOTE Having survived the Mayans we look forward with optimism, hoping that next year things will improve in our society. The same applies to my professional life; despite widespread sup
Two hot health issues collided last month: vaccines and women’s health. The report that pregnant women getting the Flu shot have twice the risk of bearing children with Autism[1] should have giv