Recently I attended a “Cardiology conference” designed to recruit more business for a local HMO. Sure, there were enough clinical tips to make the experience resemble an educational opportunity for do
Writing this edition of my health newsletter aboard an all-you–can-eat-and-drink cruise ship seems a bit dissonant, but I was asked to speak about cutting edge medical concepts to a group onboard; sho
Last month’s issue of the Journal Pediatrics validated what many doctors have been saying for years about a higher risk of ADD with pesticides. The journal is in for a fight with Monsanto-like corpora
Last month I reported that “probiotaceuticals” are likely going to be the next bubble in pharmaceuticals. Knowing Big Pharma, they will come up with a name like “buggutexx” (I should patent it): “A po
We knew it was coming; it was only a matter of time. Ever since the New England J. of Medicine published the article that finally addressed the true mechanism of how cholesterol drugs work, I waited f
“Until America has learned to love literature not as an amusement, not as a mere doggerel to memorize in college, but for its humanizing and ennobling energy, she will not have succeeded in that high