Depression treatment and “Psychobiotics: a novel class of psychotropic.”1

The Brain-Gut connection is highlighted in medical journals fairly often these days. Unfortunately, it is not getting much discussion in clinics where depression is quickly diagnosed and treated with medications that often have side effects and questionable results.  This is not
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Bribing Our Sweet Tooth

It is not easy to avoid refined sugars this or any other time of the year. Indulging a bit in the spirit of the Holidays is a healthy tradition that bonds us in friendships and families. But, we all agree that our sweet tooth can get us in trouble. True, we are genetically programmed
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INTEGRATIVE HEALTH EDUCATION – A monthly review of 100 medical journals – Volume 14 • Number 12 • December 2013

We have reporting on the brain-gut connection since the inception of this newsletter. Briefly, it means that the food we eat, the toxins generated in the gut and in the environment, and the bacteria that live therein influence brain function, including mood and cognitive issues. The e
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Seeing Red: The Handicapping of Nutraceuticals

Followers of Integrative Health know how important cell membranes are to our health. Composed of proteins, fats and sugars, they depend on the food we eat to optimize structure and function. Cell membranes send and receive messages to/from each of the 50 trillion cells that make up ou
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GMO Wars

It has been reported that present tensions between the US and Russian President Putin is not just over Snowden, but Monsanto and bees die-off.[1] The latter issue is so irritating to Putin that he has stated that the next war maybe over food safety, which he feels is severely threaten
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Breakfast and Heart Attacks

It is the same with our body. To “sicken” the plot, a study just came out: “Prospective study of breakfast eating and incident coronary heart disease in a cohort of male US health professionals. J. Circulation 2013; DOI:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.113.001474. Available at: http://circ.ahaj
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When We are Ill: Lessons from Nature

The Ancients were much more aware than we Moderns of the cycles of Nature. They even worshipped their symbolic representations, like the Sun’s. The energy and Light therefrom was at the very center of their lives, hence the expression “Igne Natura Renovatum Integra,” which means that
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Depression: consider this new Rx

I see a lot of depressed patients in my clinic. Many of them seek non pharmaceutical treatment, having become aware that drugs are successful less than 50% of the time and that often their side effects are intolerable. About 70% of teens are depressed, and a good percentage of adults
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