I am often asked about the COVID-19 vaccine. My patients know I find a lot to be desired with vaccinations, and that I have never had the Common Flu vaccine. They are surprised when I answer that I will get the COVID-19 vaccine. There is a big difference between these viruses. COVID-1
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Doctor who survived COVID-19 bewildered by public disregard By JAY REEVES. The Associated Press. Salt Lake Tribune July 19th 2020 “Birmingham, Ala. • Dr. Michael Saag spends much of his time treating patients fighting for their lives and working with colleagues who are overwhelmed and
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Some feel the pandemics is a hoax. They argue that nothing is being said about the regular flu and other diseases taking lives every year. That is so, but those deaths are already accounted for in a for-profit health care system that does not have too much room for unexpected diseases
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Sweden did not do anything about the virus. Their mortality is now 30% higher than America’s. Physical distancing measures may reduce spread of coronavirus, study indicates CNN (7/16, Kane) reports “physical distancing measures can help slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus,”
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7/13/2020 A woman not wearing a mask walked up to another wearing one and proceeded to heavily breathe in her face. The victim made the news pleading for people to wear a mask for the sake of vulnerable people, like her immuno-compromised daughter at home. Watching the report, I tried
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Junk Food Makes Me Mad

Processed foods do not have micronutrients to support health. This is one of the reasons why we are more prone to inflammatory changes in our body. Alzheimer’s plaques in the brain are a result of inflammation. Do you wish to lower your risk of dementia? Eat your veggies and quit refi
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Malnourished Doctors

We can continue to spin our wheels arguing how to finance a broken health care system. But it would be better to fix it. Feeding it the right food would be a good start. I could not argue this point better than the article below. Reference Nutrition education fit for modern health sys
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Shameful, Expensive “New Drugs”

Big Pharma’s greed knows no limits. Not satisfied with a margin of profits over 30%, the highest of any industry, they are now resorting to shenanigans that are amazingly shameful: combining generic drugs worth a few dollars with each other and with natural things like baking soda to
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