We all have our favorite philosophers and avatars. I like Calvin & Hobbes, George Carlin and Balsekar. No matter who we are inspired by, the lesson is the same, and quite simple: we are all brothe
Every week, I get at least one phone call from a patient asking for an antibiotic prescription for a cold, a cough, a runny nose and other assorted respiratory and urinary symptoms. I have never compl
I have to make sense of the forest before I micromanage each tree: I suffer from the Ionian Enchantment. Back around 600 BC, greek philosophers maintained that all knowledge is linked, a concept that
Annual Microbiome Issue Most people give up trying to eat healthy because of contradicting information. Take eggs. One year they are OK, but the following year they are not. I am sure you can think of
If you have been to my little office you will have noticed that literature books are a big part of the décor. Some may agree with my BBF who thinks I am just being pretentions. But there is a m
As my practice and I age, I find that most of my patients worry about “Old Timers’ Disease. I address their concerns two ways: one, I recommend the book NATURAL CAUSES so they may age with wisdom, hum