Some feel the pandemics is a hoax. They argue that nothing is being said about the regular flu and other diseases taking lives every year. That is so, but those deaths are already accounted for in a for-profit health care system that does not have too much room for unexpected diseases
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Sweden did not do anything about the virus. Their mortality is now 30% higher than America’s. Physical distancing measures may reduce spread of coronavirus, study indicates CNN (7/16, Kane) reports “physical distancing measures can help slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus,”
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7/13/2020 A woman not wearing a mask walked up to another wearing one and proceeded to heavily breathe in her face. The victim made the news pleading for people to wear a mask for the sake of vulnerable people, like her immuno-compromised daughter at home. Watching the report, I tried
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Volume 21 • Number 7 • July 2020

The way to a man’s heart is his stomach. How true. It applies to women, too. Read my blogs with that title. They highlight studies that prove this not-so-surprising point. Read below the latest stanza on this old song. If you are not interested in the details (I include them because w
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Volume 21 • Number 5 • May 2020

A boy gets a pile of manure for his birthday. Gleefully, he dives into it, yelling, “there’s gotta be a pony under it!” Two monks wonder if it is OK to smoke and pray at the same time. They decide to separately ask their master about it. The first one comes back dejected, saying the m
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