When my patients are not sure they can change their sweet diets, I ask if they would at least consider quitting soda pop. Most of them are surprised to hear how toxic it is. Years of sugar coating by
Corollary: if you don’t believe in masks, are you prepared to accept, for you and your grandma, a cot in the hospital parking lot with a nurse’s aide squeezing an airbag to help you/her breathe? You m
Pandemic coverage still has many “holes” which allow surprise medical bills The AP (10/11, Murphy) reported that while “many” insurance companies “and the U.S. government have offered to pick up or wa
OCT 2, 2020, SARA BERG, MEDSCAPE With the U.S. surpassing the tragic milestone of 200,000 COVID-19 deaths, here are some coronavirus tips that physicians wish patients would follow to mitigate the spr
We may disagree on the number of victims, how to prevent the infection and its seriousness, but there is one thing we cannot argue about: the effect it has on our overwrought health care workers/syste
Losing weight is a tough, deeply psychological/emotional undertaking. Often, the main cause of gaining weight is rooted in our subconscious, and related to childhood trauma at worst, stress as adults