Beware of quick fixes, especially hormones. Too many doctors will use questionable tests to justify their prescribing. You will get a bit of energy AT FIRST. Of course, thyroid and testosterone are st
An Integrative Health Opinion PROS Without them numerous plagues would haunt us again Most recipients have no problems Most Medical Doctors recommend them Most of them are fairly priced and easily adm
Many of you may end up on blood thinners that can create a lot of problems. Their side effects may at times be fatal. A careful study of your clotting parameters in the liver and bone marrow are often
“Effects of Montmorency tart cherry (Prunus Cerasus L.) consumption on vascular function in men with early hypertension,” Am J Clin Nutr 2016 103: 1531 Now, hold on! Cherry juice has been documented t
Much has been written about how we address cancer. While an aggressive approach as recommended by Oncologists should always be part of the discussion, other ways to handle cancer do not get much publi
Integrative Medicine Approach Validated Say you are cutting a bunch of lemons. Juice is all over your hands. Does it hurt? No, unless you have a small cut, or some other skin break. Do you get the ana