Quotes from article published recently in the NEJM-No comments necessary Abolishing Mammography Screening Programs? A View from the Swiss Medical Board April 16, 2014DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1401875 In
My last blog was on Hobby Lobby taking their case to the Supreme Court. HL feels it should not be forced to cover birth control pills for their employees. Apparently it is ok for HL to cover Viagra. N
Some large for-profit companies are refusing to comply with the Affordable Care Act demand that they provide Birth Control benefits for their female employees. Said companies argue that contraception
The Brain-Gut connection is highlighted in medical journals fairly often these days. Unfortunately, it is not getting much discussion in clinics where depression is quickly diagnosed and treated with
It is not easy to avoid refined sugars this or any other time of the year. Indulging a bit in the spirit of the Holidays is a healthy tradition that bonds us in friendships and families. But, we all a
We have reporting on the brain-gut connection since the inception of this newsletter. Briefly, it means that the food we eat, the toxins generated in the gut and in the environment, and the bacteria t