That is a question I hear every day; it is always followed by “I eat a good diet and I exercise.” What is going on with them? How is it that counting calories and working out does not help them shed u
We all know that sex relieves stress; we also know that stress hormones cause damage when they remain elevated for prolonged periods of time. What we didn’t know was that sex helps brain cells grow. A
As I grow older I become less serious; is this happening to you, too? My favorite people have been cartoonists and comedians ever since I can remember. Yet, from time to time I revert to being too ser
I just got back from China; any typos are due to my jet lag. Most of it is my own fault since I didn’t sleep very much and I had too many toasts with really strong stuff out of a blue bottle. Since I
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An understanding of cellular function based on the Energy and Information cells need, which we get from food and relationships, inevitably leads to “combustion;” much like any engine, which also obey