I know; a little callous, but an article just came out showing that aspirin reduces the rate of relapse of breast cancer by 50%.[1] If you have not been reading cutting edge medical literature this ma
I am not in the 20% of Americans who feel they will be benefitted.[1] Before you jump to conclusions, allow me to explain: I was a republican in school, democrat as a rebellious young man and now, as
As we start a new decade, let us see what “2020 vision” may have in store for us, according to a landmark issue in the Journal of the American Medical Association: “As a result of rigorous scientific
Hopefully you have already seen the movie “Invictus”. I cannot do justice to the many messages it had for all of us. Suffice it to say that the poem “invictus” sustained me in my youth. As I got older
Dermatologists feel reform is a rash decisionGastroenterologists are getting heartburn over itInternists feel it is a bitter pill to swallowGynecologists feel it is a bloody issueObstetricians expect
You may have seen the recent study saying that the “increased food energy supply is more than sufficient to explain the US epidemic of obesity” (Am J Clin Nutr 2009 90: 145). If it is frustrating to m