Not a clinic day goes by without a worried mom asking my opinion on vaccinations. They are confused and afraid to do anything that may harm their children. I feel badly for them, victims as they are o
(Submitted for publication in the UMA Bulletin; I am an Editorial Board member) “They have found that a lot of prescription drugs are turning up in our drinking water. People not only pee drugs into i
(Submitted for publication in the UMA Bulletin; I am an Editorial Board member.) “Overdosed America” is a book by Dr. Abramson that documents how doctors are prescribing too many drugs. The Journal of
If you are reading this blog you are likely to be a baby boomer as I am. People our age read boring blogs like this one, as well as History books, besides watching the History Channel (a.k.a “Nazis 24
We are anxiously plunging into an uncertain future. We watch the news each evening, soaking in every bit of information about the economy. Some of us read the latest books on the subject, including hi
My 72- year-old mother cleans toilets at BYU. I cannot get her to retire to live with me. She wants to remain independent as long as she can and carry her own weight like many immigrants like her do.