Even though I am not an economist I feel the need to say a few things about what is happening in our country. After all, I am a semester short of a master’s in Health Administration and I read voracio
Recently, the New England of Medicine published an article showing that “low carb” diets help people lose more weight than both the Mediterranean and the “low fat” diets. Sure enough, before the ink d
I hope you read the blog I posted before this one. Were you upset? Well, the New York Times was (editorial, Sunday July 13th, 2008) and so were a lot of doctors across the country. Yes, about 13% of c
This morning, July 7th 2008, the American Pediatric Association lost my respect: they announced that in view of the obesity epidemic and pre-diabetes in our children, they now recommend that kids 8 ye
ABC news reported Monday, June 9th, 2008, that the American J. Cardiology published an article documenting that red rice lowers mortality by 43% in patients who have had a heart attack. Well, this is
Now that we know who the final two candidates for the Presidency are we can start fighting about who is going to be better for our country. Focusing on the health care issue, I feel that the best cand