I wish I had clear and unambiguous advice for you when it comes to coffee. As you will see, the data are mixed. After reviewing the following articles, you may get a sense that it is likely OK (I do,)
Soda pop is truly an addiction in this country. Many will violently object to my use of the word “addiction,” which I take as proof I am barking up the right tree. The purveyors of this poison have co
By now you have heard that some people, mostly mothers of autistic children, feel that vaccines may be the reason, or one of the reasons behind the epidemic of autism we are witnessing. You probably h
“To E or not to E” in cancer? Despite lots of evidence through the years that very good diets, and the antioxidants therein are helpful to prevent and treat cancer, poor studies still come out once in
(Submitted for publication in the Bulletin of the Utah Medical Association, where I am an Editorial Board member.) I just got back from Montreal, Canada, the home of Sir William Osler, M. D., father o
If you have not been to Machu Picchu, I hope to inspire you to go there someday, hopefully with someone you love. These braindroppings about health and Machu Picchu might be a bit of a stretch, but he