Modern medicine has helped us considerably, but its contributions pale to the salutary effects of good nutrition, a clean environment and fulfilling relationships. Insulin was a major breakthrough alr
Most of us would like to slow down the aging process. Some turn to drugs, others to supplements but very few do what is most effective: diet, exercise and minimizing toxic environments and relationshi
As our lives gradually return to normalcy, we will have more opportunities to associate with loved ones. Their health and ours will thus improve. No man or woman is an island, as we are reminded by th
I am not sure if the health care system will ever realize that health, or balance is just that—a deep understanding that all things are linked, including ourselves, with everything around us. Integrat
Most people my age worry about getting “All-Timer’s Disease.” Forgetting where we place our keys can be deeply troubling. Understandable. But, are we doing enough to prevent cognitive decline? Don’t f
Patients who focus on nutrition and the Microbiome are increasing their chances of a good outcome through the COVID-19 pandemic. Remember, our gut bacteria constitute a big part of our immune system.