You need to see this movie or read the book. Get a box of Kleenex. I am surrounded by animals at my house. They teach me a lot, mostly to be still, love more and speak less. I wish the same for you. R
I have been warning people about indiscriminate hormone therapy my whole career. They are not the Fountain of Youth. This does not mean they should never be used. If the proper test signals a problem,
Let’s get the guys out of the way first: It does happen to guys, too; and it is more likely to be fatal in men. The same factors behind breast cancer affect men’s prostates. If it happens to a woman c
Medscape, Megan Brooks; September 23, 2019 This report speaks for itself. “For Mr B, a 66-year-old man who in 2006 faced early prostate cancer that was detected on prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test
We often hear about miraculous cures from Stem Cells. I am sure some of them are true. After all, the theory behind them is sound. The good results that could stem from using them are tantalizing. So