That is what processed foods are. They alter function and structure of cells, in addition to compromising the nature and function of the microbiome. The bacteria in your gut can get used to those food
My first book was called LICKING SWEET DEATH. It chronicled how toxic and addicting processed sugars are. The evidence keeps mounting that they are behind metabolic problems and practically all diseas
Not that much. The Care system is loaded with expensive bells and whistles. Nutrition, lifestyles, environmental toxins and emotional-spiritual issues helping longevity are seldom covered, even though
I am begging you to read her platform below. I am not sure about the rest of Marianne Williamson’s presidential platform, but her comments on health care in our country are exactly what I and better q
A recent survey found that 60% of people approve of modern technology, but only 25% approve of Twitter and 36% of Facebook. It is very telling that 80% feel social media is a waste of time, yet 70% of
Doctor Willet is one of my heroes. He has championed Nutrition as the cornerstone of health and medicine. With no further ado, here is his latest salvo. Maybe it will be noted as the turning point tow