Licking Sweet Death That was the title of my first book. It got me a lot of grief for exposing processed sugar and the politics/money behind its marketing. The main points I made were: Sugar is addict
If you have been around for a while you have noticed the following pattern: a supplement/vitamin, amino acid/antioxidant gets great medical research showing they are effective. After a lot of money is
Carefully read the title again. The two verbs are related in more ways than one: stress causes us to forget things, and think less clearly. So, stop worrying about getting Alzheimer’s so much, especia
Fluoride Fights Adding fluoride to our water is a hot issue. I urge you to do YOUR OWN RESEARCH, instead of blindly accepting others’ interpretations, including mine. You may start with the history be
Higher consumption of organic food linked to lower cancer risk, research suggests In “Science Now,” the Los Angeles Times (10/22, Kaplan) reports that “a study of nearly 70,000 French adults who were
If you google “OBESOGENS” you will see that there are hundreds of chemicals that alter our metabolism, thereby increasing our chances of obesity and diabetes. Most of them appear to negatively impact