I couldn’t say it better than the mother shown in the PBS video below http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/daughter-escaped-scary-health-statistic-heres-learned/ Treating the whole patient not just the lab
Your children’s future will likely be defined by the articles you will find in this issue. You can read it at your local library. The main three points therein are: The problem of addiction: while the
Gall Bladder issues concern all of us, even if you are the paragon of health. Given what is going on in our health care system you would do well to prevent problems that often lead to unnecessary surg
Pasteur, famous for fighting bacteria with vaccines, came to realize that the real problem with infections is the person’s immune system. True, some bacteria are more virulent than others, but even th
It comes from an herb, the French Lilly, or Galega officinalis. But, being that it has been synthesized it may still cause kidney, liver, and intestinal problems. It helps with acne, pre-diabetes, can
For decades, I have argued with doctors and dieticians about the toxicity of artificial sweeteners. Most of them take the word of industry-sponsored researchers instead of digging for the truth themse