Weekly, I am asked by fear-driven patients about genetic testing, and if there is something they can do to avert their dim genetic future. These poor patients have been led to believe that their genes
An article was published last week saying that Cranberry had been proven not to be effective in the treatment of Urinary Tract Infections. Cranberries may not help prevent UTIs, research suggests The
If you are not eating a proper diet, milk is a good thing. It has a lot of nutrients and a lot of sugar. BUT, be prepared to pay the consequences, from higher risk of allergies to cancer. The most com
A while back the Swiss raised a lot of eyebrows by declaring—with good evidence published in the New England J. of Medicine—that mammograms are not what they are cracked up to be. They don’t recommend
Because the statistics do not show a significant longer lifespan on men who undergo treatment for prostate cancer (surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, etc.) many doctors are no longer recommending scree
Despite so many articles rehabilitating soy far too many people still believe it is harmful. The obvious truth appears to escape them: why would a crop enjoyed for millennia without any problems becom