If you have been reading the newsletter and blogs on this page you know we are now in the Golden Age of Nutrition. Scientists have finally come to realize what the Ancients knew very well: AS ABOVE SO
If you have been following the debate over GMOs you know that Monsanto has planted a lot of misinformation to paint detractors as charlatans. Independent studies condemning GMOs are thusly said to be
The Paleo diet rages on. But, is it really good for you? It is if you like it. End of story. But, if you care to read what the journal Scientific American has to say about it stick around a little lon
When I first started practicing medicine I was somewhat “ignored” by the medical profession for applying the nutritional studies I found in the best of journals that I would-and still do-avidly read.
Many doctors are beginning to see through the fog created by Big Pharma when it comes to cholesterol. As stated in several other blogs herein, cholesterol is a healthy molecule our arteries need to ma
THE PURPLE PILL INCREASES THE RISK OF HEART ATTACKS[1] As surprising as this may be it makes perfect sense when you consider the problems that have been associated with the use of over the counter dru