As previously reported here, cholesterol is a benign molecule in charge of repairing cell membranes (which are 80% fat) and hence the lining of arteries. Cholesterol is also vital to synthesize hormon
Some of you may be struggling having lost your job; your suffering is more troublesome to me when I contemplate why our economy is so messed up. Before you read on I must warn you that I am neither Re
The fox tells the Little Prince that “What is important is invisible to the eye; only with the heart one can see clearly.” Ever since I was a child I have tried to live by that wise advice, sometimes
Are you drinking 8 glasses of water a day like you have been told? I hope not. Nobody seems to know where this unfounded advice came from; yet, it is held as gospel truth, despite the increasing scarc
While I am not an expert on Autism or on Asperger Syndrome, I have been close enough to people with this condition that I am going to venture a few thoughts about it. When I was in Medical School we w
That is what test pilots would say before passing out due to hypoxia as they pushed their new toys up into the upper layers of the atmosphere in the dawn of aviation. Yeah, I need oxygen, too. As an i