See the article below. Ironically, the NIH reported on this fact over 20 years ago… It Takes an Average of 17 Years for Evidence to Change Practice—the Burgeoning Field of Implementation Science S
Don’t take aging too seriously Many patients come to see me in quest of the fountain of youth. This is understandable, but the search often hides a pathologic misunderstanding of life and death. Sure,
The first step to overcoming an addiction is to own up to it. The second is to look at emotional/psychological wounds that have not healed properly. The third is to work on your microbiome and diet—th
Are you still addicted to soda? What else could explain drinking that poison despite the evidence outlining its toxic effects? Are you brain-washed by all the commercials pushing soda? I am reading HO
Remember the French Paradox? The benefits of wine are now being questioned. Some articles condemn it outright, stating that no amount of wine is safe. But this issue is more nuanced and grayer, rather