The science on the virtues of having a small serving of alcohol a day has been strong for decades. Until now. It seems that ANY alcohol has deleterious effects. The more alcohol the more the damage. T
To EHR Is Inhumane—Addressing the Shortcomings of the Interface, Medscape March 26th 2019 That is the title that Peter M. Antevy, MD and Tracey A. Loscar, BA, NRP chose for their excellent article rep
Physician burnout has reached critical proportions. It has been shown to affect more than 1/3 pf doctors. Many of them are depressed and feeling like the profession has not lived to their altruistic,
It does not make sense to me to take hormones indiscriminately to stave off the natural effects of aging. Yet, many practitioners recommend them to their patients. It is best to look at IMPARTIAL, NEU
I hope you take the time to study this issue, instead of blindly accepting what CNN and FOX news are telling you. Both lack the WISDOM of finding a middle ground. How well does a bird fly with only a
Does Big Food know this? Hint: the tobacco wars. Reference Processed foods and food reward J. SCIENCE 25 JAN 2019:346-347. “Evidence is amassing that the nutritional content of processed foods is not