Since the dawn of mankind, humans have fasted for health and spiritual reasons, two concepts that the ancients felt were virtually the same. They considered Homeostasis, their word for Balance, Harmon
Despite Monsanto’s campaign to discredit anyone who questions their agenda, the public continues to vote with their wallet. For example, GMOs—we no longer hear about the legality or desirability of la
A picture paints a thousand words. Throw in insurance companies forcing doctors to spend less and less time, and you have a very explosive mix. What are doctors to do? Quickly prescribe a drug the sec
Our society’s future depends on how we feed our children, intellectually, spiritually, and physically. Let us focus on the last one. There are five points I wish to make about it: One, this is also ab
Men worry about ED. Few of them know that this is a reflection of subpar circulation throughout the body. Why would only your hydraulics, highly dependant on good circulation, be the only spot affecte
Articles like the one below rear their ugly head from time to time. They contribute to the confusion the uninformed public is kept under. This state of affairs benefits Big Pharma, and Industrial Agri