Women prefer the scent of men who eat diets rich in certain foods—including garlic! J. Scientific American Jan 2017. Many of my female patients have unambiguously told me they would be more attracted—
Yes, please, do ASAP. Now that I got your attention stick around long enough to read this: my reasons for disliking it will upset extremists on both sides of the political aisle. ACA has indeed provid
I have already written about the problems and misinformation the cholesterol hypothesis is built on. Look through my past blogs for more information. Here is an article on a related topic. Eggs, redol
“How medicine has exploited rationality at the expense of humanity: an essay by Iona Heath.”[1] “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a soc
From time to time we get articles like this one: “The New York Times (11/21, Brody, Subscription Publication) surveys the scientific evidence, or lack thereof, in support of dietary supplements. The a
These three articles may give you an integrative perspective on prescription drugs. All statements are direct quotes by rather conservative, mainstream doctors who have published their ideas and resea